
Experience Letter: Definition, Importance, Tips And More

An experience letter is one of the most critical documents given to an employee. However, amidst all the attention that is paid to other letters like offer and appointment letters, the importance of experience letters is often ignored.

In this blog, we will tell you everything related to an experience letter, from its meaning to its purpose. Let’s dive in.


Employers provide experience letters to a resigning employee. The letter confirms that s/he has been a part of the organization. Companies must provide this letter because it highlights the skills and experience an employee has gained during his or her employment period.

Talking about employees, they use this letter to prove their experience. Let’s face it, no organization in India will hire a person without ensuring that she or he is experienced enough to be a part of their team.

Simply put, an experience letter format is a shorter version of a recommendation letter.


When employees decide to leave a job, they may have to face a lot of worries. Whether s/he changes an organization, changes a career or starts their own, they will require their experience letter in the right format. Leaving a company without acquiring the experience certificate is similar to bidding adieu to your school without getting the degree certificate. In essence, it is an imperative document that shapes an employee’s whole career in the future.

Must-Have Components

These nine elements must be included in an experience letter format:

Issuance date- Do not forget to write the date on which you have issued the letter to the employee. It should be written in the upper right corner of the letter.

Include a salutation

Write the full name of the employee

Write his or her position- HR professionals must write the role or position of the employee. Also, if s/he has got any promotion in the past, it can also be included. Just add a line mentioning his or her prior designations along with the reasons for getting the promotion.

Company’s Name

The total employment period of the employee

Define the employee- Include a small paragraph explaining the good side of the employee. This will not just add value to the letter but also aid employees to impress their new employers.

Write an emphatic sentence about the employee’s future before concluding the letter.

End the letter with a signature line.


Here are some tips that should be kept in mind while writing an experience letter:

Ensure Accuracy

From dates to spellings, HR executives must double-check and ensure the accuracy of every trivial detail spelled out in the letter. We all know that errors in important letters can have a negative impact on the company. Keeping the same in mind, HRs should always proofread before sending the letter to the employee.

Make It Positive

Since an experience letter is important for employees, HRs should use adjectives describing the talent, skills, and strengths of the employee that will help them in the future.

Mention Reason for leaving

Experience letter can also state that the employee has not been fired or laid off. Including negative details or information does not do any good to employees. So, it is better to completely avoid them.

Use Letterhead

An experience letter that is not created on the letterhead of a firm will have no value. Therefore, make sure you use letterhead while drafting them.

Check Relevance

While drafting experience letters, HR managers should acquire direct knowledge of an employee’s work experience from his or her manager. Reporting managers are the right people to gain specific details such as employee’s work habits, soft skills, or positive side.

Now you know why it is essential to draft an experience letter, and how you can make yours noticeable.

In essence, it is a crucial document and must not be taken lightly.

HR managers can even find a host of experience letter templates online. No matter what format you use, just keep it short, simple and clear. Good luck!

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